My name is Kiko! Welcome to my blog where I write about all the things I have learned as well as reviews on the things I have tried.
About me
I am a major geek who enjoys games, anime, makeup, cosplaying and much much more. I have always loved learning about as many things as I can and I will say that is my downfall, but I still enjoy it.
Was I always into the things i am learning?
No i was not. I was actually horrible at makeup and skincare!
Four years ago I started to experiment with makeup, probably because I was still single at that time (of course that would force it). I started to really enjoy it, but had a really hard time getting it right. After watching youtube videos and googling everything I started to get the hang of doing my own makeup. It is only recently within the past year that I started to perfect the way I did my own makeup and have still a long ways to go.
Within 4 months ago I also started to step up my skincare. I was very bad at keeping up my skin. For the longest time I would not put anything on or neglect to use the products I have had.
I think due to that and bad acne problems that have made my skin to where it is at today. I don’t have flawless skin, not even close to it, but am aiming towards making my skin better. I do regret not taking better care of my skin before, but I guess it is better now than never! I have seen my skin improve so much after starting my blog and I am pretty excited about it.
I am however a geek since birth. I really loved computers and games since I was really young. I then got introduced to Anime in high school and the rest was history!
What do i do?
I am a Frontend WordPress developer by day and a wife, manager, furbaby momma, freelancer, and blogger by night.
my hopes for this blog?
My hopes for this blog is to help those who were like me. I had no clue what I was doing, but reading and research helped me get better and better. I hope to show people how to start learning about something and to think outside the box. I hope each on of you will find this blog helpful!